Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Homeopathy Quest with Keynotes 5

Choose from:  aconite, arnica, bryonia, carbo-veg, hypericum, ledum, natrum-sulph, rhus-tox, ruta

  1. pain < slightest movement, > lying still
  2. depressed and suicidal after head injury
  3. red face pales on rising, anxious, wants to be covered
  4. fear of death after exposure, predicts time of death
  5. muscle strain that feels achey and bruised, < touch
  6. shock  >cold air, > being fanned
  7. puncture wound of wrist with shooting pains
  8. puncture wound to leg feels cold, numb & swollen
  9. head feels touched by icy hand, < cold,< touch
  10. hurt part feels cold, but desires cold application
  11. stiffness < on rising & > movement
  12. stiffness & pain > moving, injured knee gives out on rising
  13. bed is too hard, < lying on injured part
  14. > firm pressure, > lying on injured part
  15. sad hearing music, diabetes after grief, < tight pants
  16. indigestion with difficult respiration, > belching
  17. thick green mucous, brown bitter tongue coat
  18. toothaches, amputations, post surgery incisions
  19. tendonitis, bursitis, overuse injuries, craves warm drinks
  20. shock < cold, but thirsty for cold drinks
  21. must hold chest on coughing, melancholic, but cheerful after stool
  22. after a car accident they walk away saying they’re fine
  23. 132.  herpetic eruptions that are itchy & red, > warm
  24. 133.  black eye, insect bite, pain < warm
  25. 134.  acute gastroenteritis that is slow to start, thirsty
  26. 135.  dyspnea with spasmodic cough, > sitting up in bed
  27. 136.  arthritis, < lying on injured part
  28. 137.  arthritis, > lying on hard surface


  1. bry
  2. nat-s
  3. acon
  4. acon
  5. arn
  6. carbo-veg
  7. hyper
  8. led
  9. hyper
  10. led
  11. rhus-t
  12. ruta
  13. arn
  14. bry
  15. nat-s
  16. carbo-v
  17. nat-s
  18. hyper
  19. ruta
  20. acon
  21. nat-s
  22. arn
  23. rhus-t
  24. led
  25. bry
  26. carbo-v
  27. ruta
  28. rhus-t
Keynotes: aconite, arnica, bryonia, carbo-veg, hypericum, ledum, natrum-sulph, rhus-tox, ruta

q  Sudden onset of sx’s
q  Tremendous amount of fear; if there is no fear it is not an acontite case
q  Heat on one side and not the other (like Chamomile which is not fearful)
q  Mucous membranes dry
q  Very thirsty
q  Sensitive to touch
q  Aggravated by cold air
q  Griping colicky type pains
q  Can look like Belladona but Belladona is thirstless
q  Not particularly sided
q  Better open air
q  Aconite is the Arnica of the eye-so indicated in blunt trauma to the eye
q  Affects all systems

Arnica Montana (don’t leave home without it)
q  Unlike Aconite, Arnica has no fear
q  Arnica separates the mind from the physical body
q  Arnica in accident says I’m fine let me help you help the others
q  Indicated for bruising and bleeding (particularly SubQ)
q  Extremely useful in removing the constitutional layer of the person who has had trauma and has never been well sense, but they are not particularly fearful when telling you about the trauma
q  Blunt trauma
q  Can have lingering nose bleeds; SRP= nosebleed after washing the face
q  When they are hurting they are very sensitive like the Princess and the Pea; everything is too hard even their pillow
q  Any kind of trauma where the emotional pain agrees
q  Can be used to clear trauma in any organ e.g. story of the man who didn’t poop after the accident with the horse and the bumper dx with UC

q  Irritable bear
q  Key thing is that it is always worse motion e.g. HA’s worse with movement of eyeballs
q  Want to be left alone
q  Fear poverty and financial ruin
q  Preoccupied with business
q  Worry about the future
q  Dry on all mucous membranes
q  Very thirsty/want to drink large quantities of fluid
q  Unbelievable amounts of constipation, stool is hard and dry
q  Lots of joint pains better pressure and stillness
q  Can be used after injury with guarding of part esp if they want to be still
q  Meningitis
q  Pleurisy, spontaneous pneumothorax
q  Think of Bryonia when person is like a statue
q  General aggravation 9 pm
q  Generally ameliorated by pressure (so will lie on painful side)

Carbo veg
q  Reputation of bringing people back from the dead
q  Really depleted
q  Great indifference and apathy without wanting exercise (vs Sepia)
q  Greater irritability directed mainly at family
q  Chilly
q  Depressed
q  When they pass out or don’t feel good they want to be fanned
q  May be cold but are averse to being covered up
q  Like fresh air
q  Don’t want to lie flat they want to sit up
q  Faint
q  Tremendous gas and bloating cause they are slow
q  Freq burping which ameliorates feeling of fullness
q  SOB – want to sit up when happens
q  Tremendous weakness and paleness
q  SOB if overeat that is better with burping

q  Has affinity for nervous sys on all levels physical and emotional
q  Acutely use for crushing injury to nerve e.g. finger closed in the car door
q  Any injury to a nerve
q  Spinal cord injuries
q  Fall on butt and hurt coccyx
q  Shooting pains
q  Bludgeoning, lacerations or whatever to nerve tissue

q  Affinity for tissue that has been violated by usually puncture wounds
q  Anything that punctures the skin can cause Ledum like sx’s
q  Very chilly
q  Local amerlioration of puncture sx’s by cold applications
q  Can be hard and have white center
q  Can have a lot of joint sx’s-generally tend to start lower and move up
q  Can be stiffness and pn and heat in the joint
q  Rheumatic swellings but not puffy
q  Can be remedy for gout if the sx’s are right
q  Jt pains better cold applications

Naturicum sulphuricum
q  States happen b/c of head injury
q  Can be product of fun youth e.g. sex, drugs, rock and roll
q  Old hippies may need it
q  Can be closed and serious
q  For the most part Nat’s are most outgoing
q  Can get depressed to the point of suicide…want to shot themselves
q  Confusion of mind, mental lane can be dull
q  Generally warm blooded as well
q  Aggravated by cold damp weather, have asthma with cold damp weather
q  Diarrhea in the morning after rising
q  Can have warts – irritating cavitating kind of warts
q  SRP = cheerful after stool

Rhus Tox
q  Creaky gate
q  Affinity for skin and musculoskeletal sys particularly the joints
q  Can be outwardly cheerful and then crump fast and go into suicidal depression
q  Everything better motion with these guys; get up and walk around, get on treadmill, need to move
q  Ameliorated with movement
q  In morning stiff and sore
q  Heat and motion both improve sx’s
q  Can have sore throats better with warm drinks
q  Allergic rhinitis worse in the morning and winter
q  Etiology of everything starts with cold air (like Aconite with cold wind)
q  Can come on gradually
q  Painful URI after exposure to cold of any kind
q  Do not like cold applications
q  Better hot applications/warm drinks
q  Swollen glands
q  Itchy red rashes better with hot showers, worse with cold e.g. jock itch
q  Itching better scalding water
q  Restless
q  Can have sciatica
q  Stiffness aggravated by cold, better warmth, sx’s brought on by cold air

Ruta graveolins
q  Affinity for musculoskeletal sys particularly connective tissue
q  Lots of anxiety and fears comes on esp with fever, or getting overheated
q  General stiffness in the body
q  Aggravated by cold damp weather (like rhus tox)
q  Consider with tendonitis or irritation to periosteum
q  Also affinity for eye and useful for eye strain
q  Back pain better lying down
q  Really worse motion
q  Chronic overuse causes sx’s so good for carpal tunnel syndrome
q  Legs get very weak
q  Consider for stroke pts with weakness

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