Choose from: Allium, apis, baptisia, belladonna, Eupatorium perf, euphrasia, ferrum phos, hepar sulph, kali bic, stramonium, tuberculinum
- sudden screaming, UTI w/ burning urination
- bone pain, flu with great soreness, > perspiration
- fear of water yet thirsty, < bright shiny objects
- fever w/out sweat that radiates heat, desires lemons
- purple face that feels heavy/numb, < beer
- acrid nasal discharge, hayfever, < warm
- acrid tears, but nasal d/c bland, hayfever, allergies
- milk allergy but craves it, desires travel
- bright red blood, early stage fever, <motion or touch
- extreme fear of wasps/bees, very sensitive to pain
- thick gluey nasal discharge, < undressing
- temper tantrums, fever w/ delerium, fears dark
- SE broken in pieces and scattered on the bed
- thirstless, anaphylaxis, redness
- discontented w/ everything, URTI w/ lymphadenopathy
- sunstroke, > bright light, > company
- very sensitive to cold air, chilly, late common cold
- H/A < cold, SE sand under eyelids
- alternation of symptoms (GI, resp, joint) >motion/pressure, allergic to beer
- H/A from closing eyes, allergies w/ bland tears
- shattering cough w/ head & chest pain, > on hands & knees
- SE throat splitting apart, > open air
- redness, high fever, violent, delerious
- fears heights, boils that suppurate, < alone, < touch
- restless, romantic, <cool, wet weather/before storm
- claustrophobic, easily offended, splinter-like pains
- craves smoked meat, > dry heat
- rapidly wandering pain, < cold, < damp
- bad breath, rapid onset flu, GE, sepsis < heat/indoors
- Night terrors, febrile convulsions
- sudden anger when irritated, < heat
- profuse discharges, cough only during day, <sun
- sudden onset URTI/flu, pallor, anemic
- throbbing H/A < light/jarring, bruxism
- apis
- eup-perf
- stram
- bell
- bapt
- allium
- euphr
- tub
- ferr-phos
- hepar-sulph
- kali-bic
- stram
- bapt
- apis
- tub
- stram
- haparsulph
- ferr-phos
- kali-bic
- allium
- eup-perf
- allium
- bell
- hep-sulph
- tub
- hep-sulph
- tub
- kali-bic
- bapt
- stram
- apis
- euphr
- ferr-phos
- bell
Keynotes: Allium, apis, baptisia, belladonna, Eupatorium perf, euphrasia, ferrum phos, hepar sulph, kali bic, stramonium, tuberculinum
Allium cepa:
q Has
affinity for mucous membranes e.g. cut an onion get sulfuric acidand mucous
membranes react
q Has
a lot of burning secretions particularly, from the nose
q Gushing-
Blow and blow and blow and still get more secretions from the nose
q Sx’s
worse in a warm room and worse if secretions don’t flow
q Profuse
bland lacrimation- don’t burn
q Pain
in the larynx – sore throats
q A
lot of coughing to clear secretions cause they have post nasal drip as well
Apis Mellificum
q Swollen
q Hot
q Itchy
q Stingey
q Red
q Is
every bee sting an apis case = NO
q If
hot and full of fluid and swollen it is Apis; this can happen with a bee sting,
allergy, cellulits, cellulites
q Think
water balloon-painful itchy stingy water balloon then it is Apis
q On
emotional plane they are busy and active and very vital people, want to be in
control think like Queen bee
q Aggravated
by heat
q Better
with cold applications
q Thirstless;
even though they are loosing fluid into whatever would they have they don’t
want to drink
q Apis
sore throat is swollen and red and the uvula looks like a water balloon and is
bright red and looks boggy
q Spongey
swellings that are red and stingy are Apis
q Useful
in ovarian cysts-on US ovary looks big and swollen and spongy
q Affinity
for the right side
Baptisia tinctoria
q “Gooey
nasty little remedy”
q Pus,
gooey secretions
q Terrible
breath (look in throat and it almost makes you fall over it is so smelly)
q Person
just can’t think d/t not feeling well
q Run
q Hallucinate
q Think
someone is with them in bed
q Bacterial
q Feel
like body is breaking apart; lot of physical pain
q So
exhausted can fall asleep while talking to you
q Can
be useful in some influenzas
q Throat
can looks dusky dark and ulcerated
q Can’t
get comfortable when lying down
q Real
dullness and putridness in general
q Very,
very sick and probably belong in the hospital
q Well
proven remedy
q Looks
a lot like Aconite
q Comes
on suddenly
q Generally
right sided
q Intense
heat in part affected
q Does
not want to be talked to, looked at, jarred in anyway, stimulated
q Affected
by changes in temperature
q General
aggravation is 3 pm
q Worse
q Aggravated
at menses
q Cardiac
sx’s, GI sx’s, anything to do with vagus nerve
q Affects
GI tract
q Cramping
q Can
have chronic or acute vertigo
q Spike
violent fevers
q Kids
can have violence e.g. biting is a big thing, impulse control problems, hitting
q Remedy
for seizures
q A
lot of HA’s that come on suddenly and person usually gets hot, HA’s are
throbbing (can be a good migraine remedy)
q Aggravated
by light and motion
q Pain
better with cold application
q Pain
better by being very still in dark room
q Earache
of Belladonna can have outside part of ear red, pain is throbbing
q Pains
of Belladonna are throbbing
q Love
lemons and lemonade
q Can
be very cruel/mean to animals
Eupatorium perforlitum
q So
sore feel like bones are breaking esp back
q Bone
cancer pain
q Deep
deep ache in bones
q Thirst
for cold drinks even if they are cold
q Fever
q Bone
q Tissue
affinity: eyes and mucous membranes
q Burning
lacrimation, bland snot (opp of Allium)
q Lots
of photophobia cause their eyes sting and burn
q Allergic
q Conjunctivitis
q So
much gunk they blink a lot
Ferrum phosphoricum
q Vanilla
of homeopathic prescriptions
q Person
without a lot of sx’s
q High
fevers, fevers of 102 with no sx’s no HA, no toothache, no GI upset, nada-just
a fever
q Prescribe
it d/t lack of sx’s
q Ivons
never uses this remedy
q Can
have some flushing
q Can
have nosebleeds
q Pretty
much high fever no other sx’s = Ferrum phos
Hepar sulphuricum
q Gets
rid of pus
q Offensive
q Exquisitely
sensitive to pain
q Very,
very irritable
q Chilly
and aggravated by cold; intolerant to cold
q Intolerant
to drafts
q Swelling,
abscesses, indurations
q Relieved
by abscess being cut open/erupting; Hepar sulph will cause this
q Will
help to ripen abscess; make it ready for I & D
q Can
have pharyngitis
q Good
for Peritonsillar abscess = Quinsey
q Pain
like someone is sticking person with a sharp stick
q Worse
swallowing, pain can go to ear
q Can
be R sided
Kali bichromium
q Likes
structure on mental and emotional plane
q Very
rule oriented, like structure
q Don’t
need to impart structure on others just like it for themselves
q Chilly
q Worse
from cold, don’t like drafts
q Known
for affinity of mucous membranes of sinus cavities
q Snot
of Kali bichrom can be used as a sling shot (bouncy, ropey, stringy snot),
generally green
q Pain
at root of nose from having lots of snot
q Pain
in specific spot, will point to it
q Strings
of snot in back of throat
q Sound
like Fran Drescher
q Productive
cough from swallowing snot; can also have N/V b/c of it
q Crave
sweets like all Kali’s
q Arthritis
where they point to it-wandering joint pains from day to day but always
specific place
q Joint
pains can alternate with sinus sx’s or GI sx’s
q SRP=
feel like they have a hair on their tongue
q Pervasive
fear-may have come on after an acute event
q Something
that happened in childhood that caused tremendous amount of fear
q Nightmares-have
to have this for it to be a stramonium
q Fear
of cornered animal-could commit murder
q Stammering
q Tendency
to rage and violence
q Strabismus
q Convulsions
q Crave
q Violent
sexual desires
q Stems
from episode that scared the heck out of them
q Remedy
that is used in the US more then other places
q Need
to travel
q Tend
to be romantic thinkers and well traveled-b/c the grass is always greener on
the other side
q Real
need for excitement
q Fanciful
and romantic thinkers
q Dark
side is that it can be very violent and hyperactive; a lot of kids with
hyperactivity and ADD need this remedy
q Have
tons of secretions “snot R us”
q Hypersensitive
to a lot of stimuli
q Can
have allergies to cats and dogs, to dander, to foods
q Children
can be disobedient, malicious behavior, resent affection of others if not
directed to them
q Can
be very calculated in their behaviors (e.g. kid ripping up pansies that mom
just planted)
q Emaciated
q Failure
to thrive
q Can
be born with congenital anomalies e.g. cleft palate
q Long
eye lashes (esp in boys)
q Strip
of hair down their backbone
q Sensitivity
to dairy which may be why they have a lot of snot
q Teethe
late, or poorly
q Lose
hair precipitously
q Crave
milk even though sensitive to it
q Recurring
q Arthritis
worse cold wet weather
q Tinea
q Eczemas
q Sleep
in the knee to chest position
q Better
in the mountains
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