Choose from: arsenicum, gelsemium, lachesis, medorrhinum, nux-v, phosphorus, sepia, silica
- fearful, suspiscious, burning pains but > heat
- jealous, suspiscious, aggressive, < heat
- globus hystericus, fear of going to dentist
- irritable with PMS, stress, yells at kids then feels bad
- bubbly, outgoing, befriends strangers
- urges at stool but can’t go, sensitive to drafts
- promiscuous w/ UTIs at start of new sexual relationship
- lack of internal strength, fear of failure, <thunderstorms
- nausea of pregnancy < smell of food
- excessive vomitting or diarrhea after fruit or veg, < cold
- opinionated but yields to others, fear pointed objects
- flu with weakness, drowsiness, dizziness & shaking
- genital warts, craves unripe fruit & ice, >night
- bad temper, drinks too much coffee, workaholic
- left-sided throat abscess, with dark foul pus
- very sensitive, bleeds easily, fears spiders & lightening
- bashful stool, sweats from forehead in sleep, SE fishbone in throat
- itchy leukorrhea & vaginitis w/ offensive d/c
- < constarint, > flow
- dental abscess, splinters, swollen glands that suppurate
- sleeps knee to chest, burning soles of feet, >seaside
- weeps without knowing why, apathetic state, >exercise
- feel they must keep moving or their HT will stop
- left-sided pneumonia, craves cold drinks, > ice cream
- dyspepsia from overeating, hangover, insomnia
- thirsty but only sips warm water, < midnight-2 am
- vomits fluid from fluid once it warms in stomach, > short naps
- fears snakes, loquacious, varicose veins
- poor circulation, face flushed and heavy
- ars
- lach
- gels
- sep
- phos
- nux-v
- med
- sil
- sep
- ars
- sil
- gels
- med
- nux-v
- lach
- phos
- sil
- sep
- lach
- sil
- med
- sep
- gels
- phos
- nux-v
- ars
- phos
- lach
- gels
Keynotes: arsenicum, gelsemium, lachesis, medorrhinum, nux-v, phosphorus, sepia, silica
Arsenicum album
q Very
q Very
q Very,
very, very anxious
q Anxious
b/c it is an unsafe world and they are not going to get theirs
q So
selfish they make sulphurs look like humanitarians
q So
q Demanding
q Will
not be consoled
q Nit-picky
q White
glove mentality
q Tidy
b/c they can control their environment that way
q Make
q Aggravated
at 12-2 am
q Afraid
of germs
q Syphilitic
q Lot
of depression with their anxiety, particularly if they don’t get their way
q “If
you leave me I’ll kill myself”
q Tremendous
anxiety but won’t take care of themselves
q Bug
you and call you and drive you crazy
q Great
restlessness, exhausted, anxious
q Anxiety
about the health of their family b/c if their family gets sick who will take
care of themselves
q Desire
to control all things at all times
q Lots
of compulsive hand washing
q Chilly
aggravated by cold
q Want
heat no matter what; hardly every too warm
q Pain
of burning nature
q Discharges
offensive, putrid, smell of death
q When
have HA’s better cold compresses (otherwise better warm)
q Lot
of GI problems e.g. gastric ulcers, diarrhea, N/V
q Thirsty
for small freq sips
q Desire
fat and sour esp lemon
q Like
q Diarrhea
is watery, excoriating, and offensive
q Loose
stool with anxiety
q Diarrhea
worse from cold drinks or food
q Genital
q Extremities
are cold can have Raynauds
q Eczema
is burning and breaks down and be bloody
q Dull,
droopy, drowsy, dumb, dizzy
q Very
depleted remedy
q Run
out of gas
q Anticipatory
problems e.g. board exams, talking at a podium
q Cowards
q Complaints
from bad news
q Look
like eyes will close by themselves (like Baptisia)
q Loose
q Achey
q Mostly
they just come in and want to go to bed
q Ameliorated
by urination
q Double
q Generally
q Can
be chilly
q Chills
up spine
q Can
have feeling of heart stopping in chest
q Trembling
in extremeites b/c they are so weak
q Road
rage where they follow you off the road and break your windshield
q Can
be very nice, but can be really mean
q Can
have problems with behavior management and anger---they follow through which
can be good or bad
q Can
be jealous
q Loquacious
q Very
q Very
q A
lot of religious ideology
q Can
be very sarcastic
q Can
zero in on what pisses you off and then poke at it
q Worse
q Aggravated
during sleep, wake with sx’s
q Horrible
PMS that is better with first drop of blood
q Wounds
have purplish discolorations or varicose veins
q Very
vascular remedy
q A
lot of bleeding with dark blood
q Flashes
of heat
q Cannot
stand any constriction e.g. clothes that are too tight, anything around their
neck (males will not wear turtle necks)
q Feel
q Ball
in throat in L side
q L
sided remedy but may move to the R
q Averse
to touch on the throat
q Cardiac
sx’s e.g. CP, palpitations
q Always
want them at a party and then want them to go home
q Excessive
q Passionate
q Go
head long into things and then crump only to do it all again
q Strong
needs and desires which they will go to almost any end to fulfill
q Extremists
q Cruel
to animals in excess
q Very
q All
over the place
q Their
fear is there is someone walking beside them
q Ameliorated
at the sea
q Night
people, want to sleep late and stay up late and party
q Made
from gonorrhea---may be hx of gonorrhea in the family or not
q Tons
of secretions, lots and lots of snot thick and gloppy
q Clear
throat d/t exuberant secretions
q Ulcers
q Crave
meat and fat
q Really
dislike eggplant
q Chronic
q Huge
sex drive
q Perineal
rashes – a lot
q Baby
with diaper rash and lots and lots of snot consider this
q Asthma
in childhood that is wet
q Sleep
like tuberculinum in the knee to chest position
q Very
sensitive soles of feet
q Like
feet to be uncovered at night
q Warts
– big fancy cauloflower like
q Love
oranges and orange juice
Nux vomica
q Workaholics
q Do
not want to be impeded
q All
their problems happen when someone ties to stop them from doing something
q Don’t
like to be contraindicated
q Fabulous
bosses if everything is going well
q Want
to keep moving
q Frustration
is not that you did something to them personally it is that you stopped them
from getting somewhere
q Compulsive
q Generally
chilly and worse cold
q Everything
better in a hot tub
q A
lot of HA’s and sinus stuffs that runs during the day and then stuffs up at
q Into
stimulation: smoke too much, drink too much, have sex too much b/c they want
the stimulation
q Collapse
d/t overwork and is then are frustrated
q Stomach
pains if things are too tight
q Don’t
like to be constricted
q Cramping
q Unbelievable
constipation that frustrates them b/c they can’t go
q Cystitis-
crampy can’t pee-sit in warm bath feel better can pee
q Crampy
back pain worse at night
q Insomnia
–wake at 3 am thinking about work and what they are going to do next
q Leak
on all planes, they have a problem keeping themselves tethered to their body
q Clarvoiyant
q Empathic
q Take
on others emotions-they are like a semi permeable membrane take in and leak out
q Very
q Very
anxious-b/c they never know where they are in the world
q Hard
time concentrating cause mind wanders away
q Fear
of everything e.g. death, dark, something bad will happen
q Really
dependent on the physician but they are easily reassured
q Have
to really focus to be present
q Worse
fasting b/c they lose energy
q Worse
if they don’t sleep
q Worse
emotional upset, loss any kind
q Ameliorated
by cold drinks
q Generally
worse from spicy, warm food, and salt
q Aggravated
at twilight when things aren’t one thing or the other
q Tendency
to hemorrhage b/c they leak
q Tendency
to resp problems b/c it is a place to leak
q Hx
of pneumonias
q Easily
q Debilitated
and collapse
q Want
connection-really, really, really, always like touch
q Like
chocolate and ice cream
q Tremendous
thirst for cold drinks
q Vomit
up cold drinks when it warms
q Sex
life good they want connection
q Need
to sleep and eat
q Usually
unable to sleep on L side
q Entirely
overworked and overwhelmed by responsibilities
q Complimentary
to Nat mur -> Sepia
q Exhausted
states, on all plains
q Mentally
q Hard
time dealing with family, willing to send rest of family away on vacation
q Without
family – career woman with kids (post partum depression)
q Emotionally
q Chilly,
sun lovers
q Worse
from cold, Reynaud’s
q Always
better with exercise
q Aggravations
from 2-4pm, 3-5pm, from sex (they are exhausted)
q L
sided HA
q Hormonal
problems, dysmenorrhea, vaginitis, burning and excoriating, white, bad odor
q Feeling
of heaviness pelvis, pn from uterine cramps radiate down the legs
q Very
Premenstrual, exp. Emotional
q Genital
warts, infertility
q Stress
incontinence, loss hair after pregnancy
q Psoriasis
q Very
psoric but also has syphilitic component
q Silica
people tend to be fine boned almost bird like
q Very
flawless skin
q Tendency
to make puss
q Vital
force so low they just don’t have good resistance
q If
person has infection of long standing or multiple abscesses that fail to heal
well it may be a Silica case
q Yielding
in general to pressure of other people
q Have
lack of self confidence
q One
of the most stubborn remedies in the reperatory; happens after being yielding
can happen in kids
q Can
be anxious and conscientious over triffles
q Stage
q Chilly
q Aggravated
from cold weather
q Fatigue
and collapse that looks like carbo veg
q In
children see delayed development e.g. late walking, bones can be fragile
q Enlarged
q Problems
with bones, nails, and teeth
q Very
sour perspiration
q Sweat
on scalp at night
q Acne
q Lots
of ear infections
q Recurrent
whatevers e.g. URI’s, ear infxns
q Fistulas
q Absesses
q Sore
throat, sinusitis
q Bashful
stool- goes out and comes back in again
q Don’t
have urge to stool
q Infants
generally don’t tolerate milk
q Anything
inflamm like e.g. mastitis, colitis
q A
lot of bone deformity e.g. scoliosis
q Ingrown
q Bunions
q Likes
indigestible things
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