Friday, November 15, 2013

Homeopathy Q & A

Homeopathy Questions: (taken from

1)  At what time of day does Bryonia get a headache?
2)  What activities tend to trigger vertigo in Rhus Toxicodendron?
3)  What weather makes Gelsemium worse?
4)  What time of day does Tabacum tend to get a headache?
5)  Is Cantharis vesicatora better or worse urinating?
6)  What time of day makes Kali-bichromicum worse?
7)  Is Urtica urens better or worse with water?
8)  Is Phosphorus better in the light or in the dark?
9)  At what time of day does Pulsatilla get diarrhea? Describe its appearance.
10)  Is Apis better or worse after sleeping?


1)  Morning
2)  Standing and walking
3)  Before a thunderstorm, fog and damp weather.
4)  Early morning.
5)  Worse (flamethrower? ;) )
6)  Morning
7)  Worse (agg: touch, snow, water, and cool, moist air)
8)  Dark
9)  At night.  It is watery and greenish-yellow.
10)  Worse

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