Friday, January 3, 2014

Homeopathy Questions and Keynotes 7

Choose from:  calendula, cantharis, cinchona, equisetum, graphites, sulphur, urtica

  1. severe blistering burn, > cold but < cold drink
  2. cock’s crow diarrhea, burning feet
  3. Eczema that is dry and cracked, < waking, < suppression
  4. periodic fever with debility, > open air
  5. UTI with flow drop by drop, < pressure
  6. bloody urine passed drop by drop, < touch
  7. eczema, < cold, < damp
  8. weeps hearing music, pale, cold, constipated
  9. too lazy to take a bath, egotistical
  10. hives, insufficient lactation, < cold
  11. pain and urging at end of urination
  12. gastroenteritis leading to hypovolemic shock
  13. yellow skin, easily chilled
  14. UTI with intolerable urging and burning
  15. cutting sharp pain in urethra, > afternoon catnap
  16. highly intellectualized, difficulty relating to others
  17. bug bite that is infected and oozing honey-like fluid
  18. fears something bad is going to happen, pain greater than merited
  19. violent dry sneeze, fantasizes about doing heroic deeds
  20. late stage cold or pneumonia, smelly discharges
  21. 1st degree burn with prickly feeling

  1. canth
  2. sulph
  3. graph
  4. chin
  5. equis
  6. canth
  7. calend
  8. graph
  9. sulph
  10. urtica
  11. equis
  12. chin
  13. calen
  14. canth
  15. equis
  16. sulph
  17. graph
  18. calend
  19. chin
  20. sulph
  21. urtica

Keynotes: calendula, cantharis, cinchona, equisetum, graphites, sulphur, urtica


q  Used for healing of wounds (promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing).
q  Nervous. Sensitive to noise. Easily Frightened/starts with fright.
q  Fear something bad will happen/ impending misfortune.
q  Wounds: raw, inflamed, red, stinging, lacerated, ragged, suppurated.
q  Exhaustion from loss of blood or excessive pain (esp if out of proportion to injury)
q  Skin: Keloid or yellow discoloration.
q  Used after labor, esp caesarean, also good after surgery.
q  Generally aggravated by motion, touch, wet weather.
q  Better rest.
q  Lumps in mammae or cancer of mammae.
q  SRP = feeling of falling from a height on falling asleep
q  Want to have sex and they have UTI the remedy is Cantharis
q  Pain is stimulating


q  Used for UTI’s
q  Has affinity for mucous membrane of the Urinary tract
q  Emotionally very irritable
q  All pains of cantharis are burning, have spasm with the burning
q  Urine can be bloody
q  Also wonderful for burning of other kinds like a sunburn that is excruitiatingly painful
q  Burning diarrhea can be Cantharis case
q  Generally ameliorated by cold applications
q  Can affect any part of urinary tract right up into the kidneys
q  Burning is present throughout urination
q  SRP = even though they are in all this pain, have all this bloody urine, all this burning pain they still want to have sex; even if they have burns over 90% of their body and they are barely alive they want to have sex
q  Want to have sex and they have UTI the remedy is Cantharis
q  Pain is stimulating


q  Irritable, touchy people
q  Maybe good for teenagers
q  Fear animals
q  Worse of vital fluids
q  Live in their heads
q  Moody
q  Anemic
q  HA from loss of vital fluids e.g. spinal tap
q  Worse foggy, cold damp weather
q  Light touch hurts, firm pressure feels better
q  HA ameliorated by hard pressure
q  Bloating and gas and distension
q  Burp but does not feel better
q  Periodicity of sx’s
q  Hypogastric type of pain
q  Rumbling and flatus
q  Crave sweets
q  Generally chilly
q  Insomnia from thoughts
q  Thoughts excited and racing
q  Periodic fevers e.g. maleria has periodic fevers


q  Affects the urinary tract
q  More urging when bladder is empty with UTI’s


q  Psoric miasm
q  All about depletion
q  Weakness
q  Slow metabolism
q  Lots of constipation
q  Slow thinking
q  Anxiety
q  Very sensitive to music it makes them cry
q  Obesity
q  Generally worse in morning upon waking
q  Generally aggravated by suppressed discharges
q  Lots of skin problems-weepy, make bubbly fissures, honey crusted lesions
q  Chronic discharge from the ear
q  Cracked lips
q  Eruptions with cracks behind ear
q  Gastric ulcers
q  Eruptions everywhere e.g. herpetic eruptions
q  Thick nails, toe fungus, deformity of nails
q  Thick skin
q  Eczema, psoriasis, keloid formation
q  Aversion to meat, salt, sweet as combination
q  SRP = feel like there is a cobweb on their face (always wiping their face)

Urtica urens

q  Pains are stingy
q  Affinity for immune sys
q  Specifically used after shellfish poisoning (anaphylactic poisoning)
q  Burning and stingy pains on the skin; wonderful for burns with stingy pains
q  Hives that are not giantly red and puffy hives, more fine and rash like e.g. contact dermatitis 

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